
Of Peace and Kittens:

Behold the mighty SS Peace Kitten!
The Peace Kitten saved my life and let me tell you how:
After an onslaught of supercrapitude surrounding my P.O.S. car,
i went home wanting to do nothing but curl up in a ball and hide from the world.
But rather than succumb to the temptation that is the down comforter, the Peace Kitten and i participated in the Gutter Regata. It was the flash-flood of '07 on Smuts Drive but that didn't stop us from trying to manouver our way through the driving rain, down the gutter towards Pinkerton all in the hopes of beating out the Seagull; professionally sailed by one Blue Eyed Daughter.
No one really knows who won - as i have been known to cheat from time to time - but by the end of the race we were both drenched in rain and laughter;
the woes of the day swirling down the drain with the rest of the street debris.
Peace Kitten Ahoy!

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