I Heart Challenges:

We both stop what we're doing when the rhythms of a catchy blues tune infiltrate. A second later my upper lip curls and i hear the B.E.D. utter "ewww?" as viva viagra is slung melodiously from the set in front of us.
We have officially entered into teen-hood.
And I'm Supposed to Find Time to Run Regularly Too:
I'm sore. I'm tired. I'm now, by the skin of my teeth, an "advanced" kung fu student.
Please forgive me for my lack of posting these last 3 weeks; i've been "training" for the test i took this Saturday. Here are my miserable stats:
1.5 mile run = finished in 19:01 and should have finished in 15:00...4 points taken off
8 Basic Punches = decided i only need to do 7?...points taken off
8 Basic Kicks = decided i only need to do 7?...points taken off
Gung Lic = apparently made up my own version, leaving a section out...points taken off
Sup Se Lo = ok
8 Basic Stances = ok
8-Chain Punch = ok
Eagle-Claw Hammer-Fist = ok
Dropping Horse Defense = ok
16-Hands = ok
Cern Ca Do (2-handed sword form) = ok
2 minutes of Horse Stance = ok
I passed, but i am not happy with how i did. I'm mad at myself for leaving out a kick and a punch in both of my basics, especially since i've been practicing them correctly. The section that i left out of Gung Lic doesn't seem to bother me as much since i've consistantly been leaving it out since i started "training". Generally i was faster in my forms but they felt sloppy to me (and obviously the repercussions to being quicker was that i forgot some of them...). I was fairly happy with my sword form considering i learned the 3rd section in 2 lessons and could remember it and was able to put all 3 sections together fairly smoothly. I of course could have been lower and more precise, but there were things that i was happy about am content with can accept.
Let me give you a little backstory: since i've been working the front desk on Mondays and Wednesdays i haven't been able to attend any of the Monday night weapons classes and i was missing every Wednesday night class essentially cutting my class time down to 2 nights a week. Should i have proof-reading or editing work that needed to be done (or if i just got burnt out from all the crap i keep up with and have to do), sometimes those Tuesday and Thursday classes got eliminated thus making my practice time whatever i did at home or after hours (without instruction) and the occasional class (blessedly with instruction). Now that i'm in the advanced class, sifu tells me that i will:
- be finishing Gung Lic form (i only know 2 of 3 sections) while simultaneously,
- learning Bong Bo form,
- be catching up on section 1 of the staff form (i am roughly 8 weeks behind) while simultaneously,
- learning section 2 of the staff form (so that i stay caught up),
- be continuing my regular in-class drills and,
- be learning to fight.
That all takes place on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Also taking place on Tuesdays - before kun fu - will be a 45 minute ass-kicking kickboxing class. With Sifu. To be followed up with a private lesson kickboxing class with Sifu on Friday afternoons. This is to prepare me to start teaching the kickboxing classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Apparently there will be no time for burn out.
Anyhoo. That's my story for the past 3 weeks and a brief yet grisly look into the rest of my freakin life...wish me luck.